
Showing posts from January 18, 2010

A Family Afternoon.

This fine weather has been good for our wood supply. We really haven't needed much to keep the house warm. Yesterday afternoon we decided it would be wise to go out and get some more for future cold weather. We always have fun! I love my family:) The place we went this time had this awesome road. The kids were super excited. They brought along "adventure" items too. Haha, I was there too! I'm such a dork. I tend to try and take self-portraits alot to prove that I am involved in activities. You know, the one behind the camera is never in the pictures. Arg, I'm a pirate! I loved this tree. It's a heart! Jesus Christ loves you. He loves you so much that he died for you, he who never did a thing wrong and deserves only praise and adoration...died and overcame death for each of us. Check out the book of John in the Bible if you are curious:) Alissa