
Showing posts from January 29, 2010

Good Morning.

I've been a part of a Bible Study at 6am on Friday mornings. Today was the final chapter, but it was mom's turn to attend. So I thought I'd share with you something that stuck out to me. What an encouragement. "There is a command in the Scriptures that speaks to this dilemma. It speaks as plainly to the overwhelming events of your life as it does to daily circumstances, such as being discouraged or "kind of down" for no apparent reason, anxious or tense over your schedule, irritated at the unexpected, or frustrated by disappointed hopes. The command of God that relates very practically to daily life yet perhaps has been reserved for only "special moments" is the command to praise the Lord ." I've found it to be true. Since I've been memorizing Hebrews I have used it. When my mind starts to wander where it shouldn't or I feel down...I go through my verses in my mind or add a new verse to the list:) Alissa