Oh, poo...I got behind:S

Project 366- September 6, 2008

Tomato time. It is getting a lot cooler out so we are trying to get all our tomatoes inside. The plan is ketchup. So today I started on that...by hanging dead bodies:)

Little Jane had a birthday party. The kids had a blast and it was great chatting with the moms too. I finished another bag tonight, stayed up wayyy to late to do so:S

Project 366- September 7, 2008

Lots of visitors in church today. Good chattin at potluck:)

Went to grandma's and scavenged for Junk Jaunt. Brought home my sewing machine, eek!! So excited about that. It was neat to hear the stories behind a lot of the stuff we found. A gold mine of old things. We ate pizza and root beer floats too:)

Project 366- September 8, 2008

Work. Busy. MOPS starts tomorrow:S Had to get ready. Yeah, I worked. Feelin kinda low. Hmm. I guess I will go sew. And read my Bible.



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