Great Grandma's Embroidered Towel Wall hanging

 I have a finish that I actually finished THIS week! Yay! I am posting on my phone so the pictures aren't in the order I want but at least they are all there! Haha!

I made this wall hanging for a friend. It is made from the embroidered hand towels of a great grandmother. She wanted to be able to showcase them in some way.
They are fun, western designs which were located in the top left part of each towel.
I seamed each towel in a way that the outer striping of the towel equally borders the two sides of the design. Then, not wanting to lose the precious red hand stitching that hemmed each towel I seemed the towels once again to make that him border the top and bottoms of the design. Not sure if that makes sense but you can probably see a little bit of my seaming in the pictures. Not perfect!
I also chose to include some pieces of the red hemwork in each corner. I basically made a whole cloth quilt first out of the red backing and bound it in red as well. You can't see it but I did some loop de loop quilting to hold it together. Then I appliqued each towel block to that quilt backing. I used some of the leftover red striped fabric to create hangers. I didn't have a dowel but hung it from some clips for the picture. I sure hope she likes it!



  1. What a perfect way to use these cherished towels. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

  2. Very creative use of towels. Thanks for sharing.

  3. This is a great way to showcase those towels! Congrats on a finish in this week!! ;-)

    1. Thanks, I try! Feels good to finish something!


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