Finished It Up Friday...Backpack It Up

I am always rotating my bags / purses around. I have been walking to work almost every day lately and having a crossbody bag has been a little cumbersome. I decided to make a new one in a backpack style so that the weight would be more evenly distributed as I walked!
 As I was scrolling through Facebook a while back there was a simple backpack pattern that popped up. It was just a kid size so I went ahead and enlarged it by a few inches to be more adult-sized.
 It really is a very simple pattern. This fabric is a little crazy with all that pink and red for me but I thought it would work great. I used some strapping someone gave me as the backpack straps.
 Hehehe, you'll notice that one side looks a little taller than the other. That's because I started putting the sides in one from the top and the other from the bottom. I decided it really didn't matter since the flap covers it.

 It's a perfect bag for the things I need to carry with me each and every day. I finally ordered some Buckle clasps to hold it shut.
 Living alone it's very difficult to take a picture of the backpack on your back! You'll just have to take my word for it a little bit, but it's wonderful! My little sister says it looks like the perfect size her art supplies so you guessed, it on to another backpack!


  1. I'm always impressed with bags and backpacks ... so many steps and instructions to follow. And it's always a great bonus when it works and is usable for your initial idea. Nice finish.

    1. Thanks! This pattern was actually pretty simple for a backpack. The directions were on the burdastyle blog, not the most detailed but good.

  2. That seems like quite the challenging project!! You met the challenge head on. Your new backpack ROCKS!!!

  3. Thanks,Jen! I actually have the second one made for my little sister! Are you getting any opportunity to enjoy this fall weather?!


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