
Showing posts from January 23, 2008

Project 366- January 23, 2008

Today I got a package! Okay so I ordered the package but it was exciting nonetheless. You see, about every 3 or 4 years I break down and buy some new clothes and this year was it. I found a good sale from Chadwicks and great deals at thrift stores in Omaha over the weekend. It was an altogether pleasing result for me who doesn't really shop. I had a tag-along at Tag Team tonight. Her name is Brooklyn and she's a doll. I didn't get my Bible read yesterday and I missed it. I missed also, getting to write in my prayer journal. They are so much more solidified in my heart if I can write them out. God bless tomorrow...may His children be with Him in heaven! Alissa

Project 366- January 22, 2008

Hehe, yesterday as we were hurredly trying to gather up for MOPS my mother took a spill. I don't know why I giggle, but it is a bit humorous now. She fell and hurt her arm, she assured me it was not broken. I tied her up in my blankie as a sling and stopped her from explaining what she could and couldn't do as I had asked...I nearly fainted. We made it to MOPS though! Because of that incident I had my hands full the rest of the day helping out the invalid;) It was fine other than the massive headache I ended the day with. It put me to bed quite early and that is why I am indeed writing this a day late. Alissa

Project 366- January 21, 2008

Monday, hmmm, you know Monday. It wasn't too bad. I worked at the Garden Center and it was chilly. Say hi, Libby. I got to be a bit grouchy in the evening. Not 100% sure why, but I have an inkling of an idea. We just chilled at home in the afternoon. When I say chilled I mean chilled, it was cold. Alissa