
Showing posts from September 5, 2015

A Wild Plum Adventure!

We drove down the pretty road two Sundays ago.  We saw lots and lots of these! Wild plums along the road ditches.  So after lunch my mom, sister and I went picking.  They were everywhere, on both sides of the road.  Most were this lovely plum color, others were a dusty yellow color.   We filled our buckets again and again until our 5 gallon bucket was full.  It was a beautiful day in God's creation! Stress has been the theme of the last few weeks and our little adventure was a much needed respite.  We had a lovely time, we three.  And then we went on a drive down a long forgotten road.  I love thinking back on this area's history.  What houses might have been here at the end of the road, near the windmill and gate?  Awww, Nebraska!  We got out and explored near this windmill.  By the way, this is a windmill...not those hideous white turbines.  I love windmills!  There...