Finish It Up Friday...Craftsy BOM 2012 is DONE!
Yay, I finished my Craftsy block of the month quilt yesterday! This one is just for me :) Amy Gibson did the free course that year, my first BOM. It was alot of fun! I received these Connecting Threads fabrics for my birthday and I thought a BOM would be a perfect use for them! Our apple trees are in full bloom, so I used them for a little photo shoot. Such a lovely day. After I finished quilting it and bound it with the lime batik I used for the backing...I remembered something. I saved a huge stack of 2.5 inch scraps of the top fabrics to use for a binding... I guess I'll have to make some coordinating pillows for this one :) Such a fun quilt and I am glad that I got it done! I did all of the sewing and quilting on my treadle Singer. It is a full/double size quilt and will go fabulously with my new sheets! Alissa