A Ski Trip Quilt Gift

When I saw this quilt kit on the Connecting Threads website I immediately thought of my brother's family. They live near ski slopes and the whole family enjoys skiing. It became a part of my Christmas gift list. This was a simple quilt to piece with the large "scene" blocks. I actually took it and my featherweight along with me to the in-laws a few times since I would be more kids free. This season of life sees me with fewer hours in the sewing room or just more broken hours! Haha, but i got it done! I picked up a fuzzy throw blanket to use as the backing. Those make for cuddly throw quilts. It took almost as long to piece it as it did to clear off my long arm quilting frame table! I did simple loopty loops for the quilting. Getting it shipped took precedent over a more fancy quilt design. I am very pleased with the way it turned out! Hurray for quilty gifts! It got some good use in already with a few sick kiddos in need of a cozy blanket. Hope you all had a Merry Christm...