My Little Cabin Retreat Sewing Room

When we bought our house we decided this front porch turned front room would be the place for my sewing room. We moved all the boxes and furniture in but I refused to put any of it away. I couldn't leave the walls this dark green, much to dark and so uninspiring. Plus I knew if I didn't do it right away it might not happen for awhile. So, with everything pushed to the middle of the room and shuffled around as I turned a lovely shade of pale yellow! As you can see, the cat made sure his mark was left! Haha! I was pleased with how bright it made the room and so I moved right in and sewed away! Until...the ceiling tiles right above the door began to crumble and fall due to a leaky roof. My husband patched the roof but the ceiling was rather disgraceful and so on his idea, I moved everything out and we began remodeling the sewing room!! Yay! I wasn't really sure what we would find above the ceiling tiles but we were pleased to discover the insulation ...