
Showing posts from December 14, 2008

Project 366- December 14, 2008

Quite a change in the weather today. Brrrrrr! Yesterday it got up to 50 degrees and today it never got above 0 at our house. The wind chill was actually said to be -50 degrees. We didn't venture into town for church. It was only snowing a bit, but seemed a bit silly to go out in that if we didn't have to. I'm glad we had the ladies thing yesterday and got to see them all. Arthur enjoyed having us home:) I for one had a great time of prayer and reading of God's Word this morning. It was very humbling and refreshing. I have so many sin issues and I try so hard to plug ahead on my own. My pride causes me stress and I'm actually sending the message that He, that Christ is not enough. He is enough and today I let go. It will be a process as always, but I let go. Praise the Lord for His Word and His timing. I even got out my guitar which hasn't probably been touched in 9 months and sang a few songs with the kids. Poor dad had to work outside in that cold...

Project 366- December 13, 2008

Brenna had a birthday party to attend in town this morning. Mom took her in and chilled until it was over. Quinn and I got to enjoy the entire morning together. We had a great fun time. It is so entertaining watching little kids play make believe. When mom and Brenna got home, they unloaded the groceries and we all hopped back into the car. This afternoon was this month's ladies meeting for our church. We headed out on Ryno Road to the Eggleston's. Check out their view!!! I would love to live up on a table like that and see this every day. December Photo Project: As we got out of the car, two little, plump, gray kittens trotted over from the garage. They were so sweet and adorable. Turns out they are orphans and LOVE people. Quinn got a cuddle in with one. This is the old Ryno Table school I guess. Jean wasn't sure if that had been the name or not. So sad to see it all boarded up and deserted. I have a think for old stuff and old schools are no exception:) P...

Project 366- December 12, 2008

So today was one of those days that makes you crave like never before for heaven! This was the only picture I took today. I climbed out of bed tonight and snapped a shot straight up at my ceiling. Tada, project 366 picture. My boss had a "talk" with me. He has no idea I'm sure of how it upset me, but boy oh boy did it!! I washed and cleaned my entire lunch break. Arg. Mom, dad and the kids went to Stuhr Museum at lunch...without me:( It was not a day I wanted to spend my evening alone, but I had to. So I came home from work, made homemade pizza and watched a movie while quilting. It was therapeutic but I still felt empty. I know that I've been trying to "dodge" the Lord lately. HAHAHA, laugh with me! Like anyone could "dodge" God! Today was a bit of a slap in the face. I "believe" that Christ is all I need, that His Word is all I need...but my life does nothing to show that to others or even just to show that as true. Time f...