Sunshine and Snow.
A lot of people are beginning to get that lovely spring fever which comes with spring-like weather. There have definitely been some of those days. Haha, today however is not one of them. It is snowing and snowing outside, so much that I am not at work. It makes me ever so thankful to live in Nebraska. The seasons will always change:) Just not as soon as some people think it should;) Nebraska's birthday (March 1) was one of those spring-like days. It also happened to be one of my days off. The kids and I headed to the park. There was some rollerblading action. Brenna's feet now only fit in my rollerblades so I simply laid in the sunshine and took pictures. Once they had tired of that we went over to the gazebo. The kids were playing prisoners of some sort while I fiddled with my camera. Look what I can do! I really like the retro setting I found. Soon we were back on the playground to swing and ride "horses." It was a beautiful little adventure. And a great way to...