
Showing posts from November 2, 2008

Project 366- November 1, 2008

Good morning! Today we hosted the monthly ladies event for church. Mom did a fantastic job planning a brunch complete with activities. We had a lovely time, better than I was expecting. Honestly I bristle a bit at church activities lately:S Only 5 ladies came, but it was an encouraging time for me. I was humbled and felt a bit chastised for not wanting to be there. This was one of our decorations:) The afternoon was then spent doing odds and ends. Hurray for company, not much cleaning needed to be done now:) First on the list was digging up the rest of our potato crop! Mom said that now we could all eat potatoes, since we all helped dig them. Haha. We almost missed the last row. I love potatoes! Project 366 picture: Hehe, I caught them;) Don't you love the background? Dad was trying to get a pickup to run:S I played Lincoln Logs with Quinn and Yahtzee with Brenna. Check it out! I got my first Yahtzee EVER!!! Yahoo! I screamed:) Skippy and I had a photo op. H...

Project 366- October 31, 2008

Worked today. Quite busy. Tried not to get upset with people. My tendency to feel like all I say is stupid and my foot is in my mouth was in high gear this afternoon. I felt better when a patient asked when we were getting married. Too bad he's married and has atleast two kids:S The available ones don't usually take any notice of me...unless they are 85 and widowers:) This is the sad house next door that is soon to be razed. New office building is on its way:( I like old things fixed up rather than torn down. Oh, yeah. Today was Halloween. I'm totally not into the "holiday." I get tired of seeing the trashy girl pictures afterwards on facebook. What happened to girls with class? Anywho. Our family had lots of candy. Mom had me buy a bag of snickers at lunch, then dad brought a parade size bag of tootsie rolls, and Dr. Hackel sent me home with this bucket from the office. And the ONLY trick or treater we had took a tiny little tootsie roll...nothi...

Project 366- October 30, 2008

I worked this morning. Stayed up too late last night and was exhausted all morning. I don't think staring at a computer screen helps any either. Zelda and Cayliss came up for the afternoon. We had a really good time. Cayliss is a lot of fun:) Project 366 picture: Tinted windows make great mirrors and are super fun to take pictures in:) We took them down to see the school before they left. I love my school, need to get scraping. The kids wanted to carve their pumpkins tonight. Sadly, we couldn't find a pumpkin knife and they didn't want me to do it for them. So instead they decorated with Sharpies. Alissa

Project 366- October 29, 2008

Good morning! There is nothing quite like a drive into the sunset to start out your day. This morning I had a Medicare seminar in Grand Island at 8:30am. I just met Dr. Hackel and Connie there so I could go on to Kearney afterwards. The sunrise was pretty. There was only one spot in the drive where I could see absolutely NOTHING but sun. So after a quick lunch with the gang, I headed to Hobby Lobby. I had two coupons for 40% off so I used one at Hobby Lobby in G.I. and then headed to Kearney to use the other. I bought mostly stuff for more purses. Sounds silly since they aren't selling...but hopefully soon:S I picked up my sewing machine in Kearney and dropped mom's off for a tune up. It will be weird to switch back after a month. The drive home was lovely. It was a very nice fall day. I took a long, scenic route too. When I got home mom informed me that it was Wednesday and therefore we needed to leave soon for Tag Kids. I had COMPLETELY forgotten about that and w...