Finish It Up Friday...Compass Star!

A friend asked me to make a quilt to be raffled off for the organization which she works for. It works to help those affected by domestic abuse. I let her pick the pattern and the color scheme. She chose Compass Star. I found the pattern by Roxanne Carter and got to work! I haven't really done a lot with solids before. I don't leave town often so I order most of my fabric online. It was a pleasant surprise to only have to reorder one fabric because the shade was just wrong for the gradation effect. The star/compass/New York Beauty-esque sections were all paper-pieced. I don't actually mind paper-piecing and so I just made a bit of an assembly line and made them all at the same time. The diamonds with the gradient fabrics were made by sewing the strips together and then cutting them at an angle. I was worried about stretching the bias edges, but things came together nicely. Most of my points actually ma...