Project 366- August 14, 2008
Oooo, isn't this new and exciting! How do you like the new picture setup? Let me know if it is too weird and confusing. Today was a nice day to be a Garden Center employee. Not really different than most days there, but I was given a list of tasks which to were be completed. I really do appreciate knowing what is expected of me. I met up 4 wonderful ladies at Emily's for lunch. Amelia's friends Jenny and Melinda were here for a visit and I had yet to meet them. So glad that I got the opportunity to, although it was was sweet:) Speaking of sweet, the M&Ms were my college sending gift to Clara and Amelia. They leave tomorrow for the hills of South Dakota. Somehow I will survive:) Hehe, doesn't Clara's sandwich look yummy? Forgive the half opened eyes...she's a pro at that talent. Right as you snap the picture she is quick to squint her eyes half way;) Just kidding. If you thought the M&Ms looked sweet, check out what we all had for dessert. It...