Livin' Light
Last weekend Mom and I got a day together, just the two of us. It started out cool, dark and misty. We hopped into the van and drove...this is what we saw on the way to our destination. Is it strange to anyone else that there would be a Jelly Belly truck in the middle of NE? It wasn't even near a large town...outside of Callaway actually:S Crazy. We drove to Cozad for an all day, free ladies conference. Margaret Ashmore was the speaker. We went when she spoke two years ago, amazing teacher of God's word. I gleaned a lot and I'm still processing all that I gleaned. What sticks with me the most is talking about anger, depression, simple unrest in myself. It all boils down to some "right" I feel has been taken from me or unfulfilled. Things like the right to: An easy life. A stress free job. Marriage and children. Watching whatever I want. Use my money for myself. I don't have any of those "rights." The Bible tells me that as a sinner the on...