Historical Marker Stop.
What is that I spy there? It is...AN HISTORICAL MARKER!!!! Yay! I happened to glance at my marker map before we headed down to Cozad and realized there were two markers nearby. Two lonely markers along the interstate which wouldn't warrant much of a trip on their own. I was so excited that I couldn't keep my eyes OPEN! I don't know that I have a picture like that yet;) We had to drive down the interstate a ways and then get onto the other side for the next one. I love how you have to do loopity loops to get the interstate markers:S There were beautiful oak trees at this one. An acorn actually fell out of the tree, nearly hitting me. "The sky is falling, the sky is falling..." ;) I'm not sure how to hook this one together into one picture. There wasn't a trashcan conveniently located where I could set my camera. Not being prepared, I had no tripod. Eyes...OPEN! What fun! Alissa