Camp Prayers
I'm going to Bible camp on Monday...I'm uber nervous. I went to camp as a kid just a few times. It isn't my favorite memory. But, I'm going to Homeward Trail Bible Camp for time with K-3rd graders. I went to the staff training weekend and I think I was more nervous for that event. I don't like going into situations when I don't know what to expect. I was always a shy child and that reserved, introverted little person is still inside of me. Those who have known me in the moments and places that I feel comfortable often doubt that I was ever "shy." I've learned to push through and I do best when I know what I'm doing or how things should go. That being said, being a dorm leader at camp, surrounded by teens and adults I don't really know scares me. Kids are wonderful and I am not really worried about that part of the experience. I want to be the Lord's vessel. I want to point them to Christ. I want to be the best do...