Kids Say...
Kids are so funny! I love getting to work with them and hear the things they say. The downfall is, they aren't mine:( Some of my kiddos are moving away and that just makes me sad. Here are a few anecdotes from the past few weeks: I was pushing some kindergartners on the swings, mostly underdogs. J asked for a push. As I got ready to push she yelled, "Will you give me an underWEAR?!" Haha!!! Walking by the kiddos playing by a muddy area on the playground I hear E yell: "No, don't EVER touch a pregnant worm!" Hahaha!!! Yesterday someone said something about not liking cats. I replied that we have three cats. T says: "Are you allergic to them?" Me: "Um, no. Are you allergic to cats?" T: " No, but I always sneeze when I look at the sun!" Hehe. Sitting on the bench with E and we see another girl's dad drive up. E says, "Hey, is that Thompson (name is changed, but this is only his last name)?" Me: "You mean Mr...