Project 366- July 31, 2008
Yesterday I wanted so badly to be able to turn my brain OFF. I can't think of a time that I've ever honestly been thinking of nothing. My mind is always running, running, running. Even in my sleep, I dream so vividly sometimes it is like I never slept!! Well, yesterday it had me so frustrated. I just wanted some peace. I prayed and gave it to the Lord. Praise the Lord for answered prayer. No, my mind didn't turn off today. It is still necessary for my daily functions after all;) I did however, have a day of peace, a day without constant worrying and what-iffing. I was steady and it came as such a relief. I usually can't stand being so unbusy at the GC, but it was just fine today. My mind and body were going at the same pace. I have been reading the same book for quite some time now. Books don't usually take me this long, but this one just keeps going and going. Mom saw who wrote it and told me, "Of course, that ladies books are always long." I had no idea ...