Continued Prayer for Haiti.

They are so worth it. As you know, my cousin Kayla and her husband adopted a little boy from Haiti last year. They are currently in the process of adopting a little girl from Haiti also. Of course, having such a close connection to Haiti has helped me to keep lifting those people up in prayer and to have an inside scoop on how things are going for some of the people. My heart breaks for the whole country and I've cried nearly every day since the first earthquake hit last week. My cousin's kids were from two different orphanages, the boy from For His Glory in Port-Au-Prince which I've been updating you on and the little girl from 50 miles away from there at HCH. Here is some news from HCH where it was previously not going too bad: "I also just heard from a contact who has good contact with the orphanage that this morning's aftershock/minor earthquake has made Conleigh's orphanage unliveable. So they are back out to the yard or maybe another building in town. D...