Finish It Up Friday...From Tied To Quilted Plus Some
Yay, Finish It Up Friday is back :) I was asked to do some quilting on a quilt that was simply tied. A young lady made it for her grandmother and the ties were coming undone. So I just did some simple quilting. It is a beautiful quilt, in blue and yellow. I didn't want to do anything to distract from her work so I did simply diagonal lines and then a bit of echo quilting. Since it was tied I didn't have to do any basting, yahoo! Since I finished that and another quilt I was mending for someone else I decided to do some just-because sewing. I made some blocks that I signed up for in a block of the month. I love the teapot block! I also finished up the quilt top I put together awhile back out of someone else's applique blocks. I didn't really trust their hand applique so I quilted over the leaves instead of around them. I found a simple pale yellow, gardening fabric for the back. Not sure where this quilt will go yet. Maybe I will ...