Camper To Update

Back in July we acquired an older camper. We simply wanted it to use on jobs that are farther away so we wouldn't have to get a motel or have long commutes. Our 1970s Roadrunner was hanging out in here! Open sesame! It had some water damage that needed cleaned up. We've used it in the rain and so far no leaks so the patching must be holding up! A few fresh coats of paint will work wonders though! It didn't need to be the Taj mahal, just a liveable space. It had been sitting for a while so it needed cleaned out, both the items belonging to its past human tenant and also the leavings of many small tenants. I wasn't so excited about the small tenants! Little man was a good long as the vacuum was not running. My wonderful husband vacuumed, shampooed and vacuumed. So thankful for him! Here it is in all it's glory! We have a sleeping loft. Aren't those 70s colors lovely on the cushions...totally sarcastic! View towards the back end. I don't lo...