My Christmas Post
Christmas is over...gone already? I spent Christmas day at home, sick, on the couch. So, when I headed back to "normal life" and work on Thursday I did not notice the Christmas tunes. I still have my Christmas tunes playing in my cd player in the car. I'll keep it there until I feel Christmas is over. I feel like I missed it, at least the gathering of families and giving of gifts part. I decorated my "space" a bit. I have a stocking I hang on my door simply for decoration and then I hang all of my Christmas cards around that. Mom let me use her little tree and its ornaments. I also set out the bigger ornaments I received this season that were too big for that little tree. Oh, look...I have MORE cards now! I feel loved. I am so grateful to know that Christmas is never over. I daily give thanks for the birth of the babe in a stable 2000 years ago. Jesus is my Savior, my Rock, the reason for life. ...