Finish It Up Friday...Barn Raising For The Rents!

My parent's have a quilt on their bed that has definitely begun to show its wear. It isn't anything special, just one mom liked and bought. We decided they needed a new one! So mom picked out the fabric and away I went! Can you guess what kind of pattern it is? It required lots of chain piecing, which is very soothing and therapeutic! Since she likes the quilt they do have, I stuck with the same pattern. It is a barn raising setting of the log cabin blocks. She chose the Belle Reverie line from Connecting Threads for the fabric and we were able to even keep it in a similar color scheme as the old quilt. The main body of the quilt came together surprisingly quick. Piecing the flying geese border took the longest. My dining room/entry area is just not quite big enough for a full picture :) If I had to do it differently I would pick different creams so there is more contrast between them. You can hardly tell two of the three apa...