Faulty Breakers and Blackbeard the Pirate
I read this on the Livesay's blog earlier this week. It resonated. "This happens frequently. I am restless. Some breaker in my brain pops and I'm stuck in a cycle of unproductive worry, and frustration. I want things to be fair, neat and tidy. I want problems to be easily addressed, fixed, and crossed off the list. I want to accomplish something and I want closure. If only I were an electrician. I'd just replace that faulty breaker and stop it from popping this way every few months. Instead I ask God again to remind me of what matters, to quiet the noise, to flip my switch back into a position of increased peace and trust and patience. I ask Him to remind me that closure will come one day. I ask Him to remind me that apart from His power supply - I'm just a faulty breaker." On another note, the Missoula Children's Theater was here last week. They performed Blackbeard the Pira...