Project 366- January 31, 2008
Last day of January 2008, looonnnnggg day, one of the hardest days I can remember. I had jury duty yesterday and today, I was officially on the jury and we found a man guilty of the charge, attempted 1st degree murder and the use of a firearm to commit attempted 1st degree murder. If you can't understand the difficulty in a decision like that you can't understand how spent I am tonight...both physically and emotionally. 5 hours of deliberation while a judge, lawyers, witnesses, the defendent, and the defendent's victim sit and wait. I'm glad that it is over and I won't be in such a position for atleast 2 years. God was my strength. I am an emotional and compassionate person and I thought I would surely collapse or break down a number of times. But, God was my strength. My prayers are for the vicim, the defendent and their families. Oh how they need Christ. Alissa