
Showing posts from March 23, 2010

Need to Post.

It seems weird to say that I haven't had much to say in the way of posts in the last few days. When I do think of something I want to say...I am nowhere near a computer or the opportunity to sit down and type something up. For some reason I never remember my ideas at an appropriate time either:S Oh, well. Something really came to my mind the other day though, something about my life at present. Certain areas of my life cause me more "anxiety" than others. I often get so worked up and overwhelmed about them that I just freak. I don't want them to change and perhaps become panicking causes me to just push it all aside. That hasn't been true as of late. God has been using my quiet times with Him and my Scripture memory to make His peace so evident. I know that my life will not remain the same forever. God also promises to hold it all in his control. (Duh!) I'm so thankful for whatever has caused this change in my heart, simply growth perh...