
Showing posts from April 21, 2023

My Clancy Sweater

Loss is so hard. Seven months seems both like an eternity and just a blip in time. September 27, 2022 we lost our sweet baby boy at 38 weeks during delivery. We named him Clancy Gates. He was so perfect and looked so much like his older brother. I share because I don't want him forgotten.  My hope is not of this earth but in Christ. I know he went straight into the arms of Jesus. It is a comfort, the best comfort. Knowing I can indeed see him again helps. My heart and my arms still ache often though. Our growing toddler is a busy, joyful comfort. I pray the Lord blesses us with more. I so looked forward to watching him in the role of big brother. I knitted most of  this cardigan when I was pregnant, but finished after Clancy was born. It was way to big so I took it apart and began again. It was therapeutic to keep my hands busy and remember my pregnancy, my time getting to know his little kicks, punches and rolling movements as I redid each part. Now it is done,...

'Our Hearts Will Go On' Quilt Finish

A friend commissioned me to make a quilt for her to give as a wedding gift later this summer.  She asked for hearts with some light background fabric they could have guests sign at the wedding if they wish.  I found a few options online and she really liked this one, 'Our Hearts Will Go On' by The Fabric Addict . She really liked the fabrics in this example picture I found on someone's blog.  I was in luck, I had most of the colors needed.  I did stick with solids for this one, not something I've done much. The blocks went together quickly once I got the fabrics all cut and the pieces carefully labeled.  I laid it out on our spare bed and was pleased to see that the hearts were really there!  It was hard to see as you pieced that it would.  I then began putting the blocks into rows, once again labelling carefully!  I only had to undo one row where I had a block upside down.  I tried really hard to keep things exact so my corners and points wo...