Maureen Improv Quilt

Life moves so swiftly by... I am now married and I still love to sew and create! We are quickly nearing our first anniversary and it astounds me. It just keeps getting better and better. It feels as though we have been married for years and years, in a good way! I love being one with this man of my heart and getting to seek the Lord together!! Hello, to anyone who is still out there and wonders about Hmm...well here I am! HERE I AM!! Hahaha! I promise to update on life in the day to day soon, but as for now... ...look a project! A few years ago I purchased a scrap bundle from Maureen Cracknell's etsy site. It was a lovely little bundle full of fun tid bits. I was at a loss though, of where to put them and with what other fabrics. I took it with me when we were in our limbo home last winter hoping for inspiration. I decided to just put all the pieces together! I am not one for much improv quilting but this was kinda neat! I almost ...