
Showing posts from March 28, 2012

Big Things?

Isn't it awesome when things coincide?!  I was sharing some thoughts about serving and "life goals" recently.  Then, I read this post on the Livesay blog.  It is actually someone else's post as well.I've always had a great desire to be a wife and mother. I want to raise up children who love the Lord, more believers to worship him and point others to him. I consider children a true blessing that we so often squelch and most in America refuse to even have. I've dreamed of a large family, but as I near 30 I see it may not happen how I hoped. I used to feel so much pressure to do something HUGE and obvious for the Lord, like start an orphanage or raise millions for AIDS relief. I even began a missions training with Child Evangelism Fellowship several years ago.   The person in charge of that program is actually the one who helped me see that I don't have to do "big" things.  Her words, as I was struggling to see what and how I needed to make so...