
Showing posts from April 16, 2014

I Love Historical Marker Adventures!!!

Well, it started on a cold, snowy morning in March.  It was time for another historical marker adventure!  Along the way I was able to see the Sandhills Cranes.  They are quite the deal, so many birds.  The day really stayed along the Oregon Trail and Pony Express Route as we kept running into markers for both.  I used the route formed to try and re-find a few markers that were missing on previous trips.  Here is one that Shilo and I were sad to find broken and dilapidated. Yay, IT'S FIXED!!!  I then drove around Red Cloud to find a few more.  Isn't their county museum gorgeous!!?  Sad stairs.  This cute little church was missing it's marker also. Hurray it is back!  After making up for lost markers, I headed to Superior to meet up with the lovely Miss Cindie!!  So glad to get me some "Cindie Time."  More Oregon Trail, yo!  Welcome to Oak.  It is a sad little com...