A Rug, Chenille and Baby Fuzzy!

The floor on my side of the bed always seems to be cold. I took matters into my own hands and made a rug to comfort my freezing toes. This was one I had seen somewhere and been wanting to make for years. I have tons of tshirt material leftover from tshirt quilts. I found these colors that I felt went well together and cut strips. I think they were 4inx2in. I ended up needing a lot more strips as I went. I drew lines an inch apart on a large rectangle of denim for my rug base. I started out doing two of each color in my pattern but soon switched to just one. It was easy as sew a row, flip them out of the way and stitch another! It got to be too much under the throat of my machine so I switched to the other direction. Fun times! I think it turned out pretty good! The middle rows want to fold out and expose the denim base. With some colors the contrast would be more and make it look bad but I think I am the only one who would notice!...