
Showing posts from May 5, 2023

Hello, Jellyfish Wedding Quilt

My babiest brother got married in March! So crazy! So happy for them! They were planning to get married this coming August but decided to just have a small courthouse wedding earlier. I thought I had time to get a wedding quilt made but not with the change. I asked for their preferences and got started. Request: he likes green, she likes pink and wanted some jellyfish. Here are the fabrics I went with, plus white and teal rocks. I found another quilt I liked on SuzyQuilts website. It was a bit more of a modern pattern, which I thought fit my sister in law a bit better. Ready, set, go! These pictures are a little out of order, oops!   I tried just figuring the pattern out myself so I wasn't sure how my measurements would come out. It came out really long! I ended up trimming part of the top and bottom as well as adding a vertical border. Simple blocks! I am feeling so much better about the tension of my quilt parts on the rollers. It gave me the confidence to try a new design! Yay! ...