Hello, Jellyfish Wedding Quilt

My babiest brother got married in March! So crazy! So happy for them! They were planning to get married this coming August but decided to just have a small courthouse wedding earlier. I thought I had time to get a wedding quilt made but not with the change. I asked for their preferences and got started. Request: he likes green, she likes pink and wanted some jellyfish. Here are the fabrics I went with, plus white and teal rocks. I found another quilt I liked on SuzyQuilts website. It was a bit more of a modern pattern, which I thought fit my sister in law a bit better. Ready, set, go! These pictures are a little out of order, oops! I tried just figuring the pattern out myself so I wasn't sure how my measurements would come out. It came out really long! I ended up trimming part of the top and bottom as well as adding a vertical border. Simple blocks! I am feeling so much better about the tension of my quilt parts on the rollers. It gave me the confidence to try a new design! Yay! ...