Weekend Fun!
Sunday I got to help out a friend and play with some precious little ones. My dear friend, Patty and her family bought a house and were moving in! Having someone come watch the 7 kids is just a wise decision...enter me:) I took Brenna and Quinn along too. Count it up, that is me and 9 children. Always a good time! Hehe, A was jumping out from behind the tree! I love this picture! I was taking pictures of their new house and the boys decided to follow me. I walked in the play room and they all jumped in the cupboard. So cute. We spent a lot of time in the chicken pen. S and Brenna cleaned it out so there will be room for chickens when they arrive. Isn't she precious?! She is getting really close to walking! We didn't just play in the chicken pen. We played memory a few times, We played with play dough, we watched a movie and ran around outside a lot. I love how children are always an encouragement and a blessing to me. Alissa