
Showing posts from March 2, 2008

Project 366- March 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Nebraska!! Today Nebraska is 141 years old! I am proud of my heritage and where I come from...besides it is fun to celebrate our great state! I spent the afternoon/evening hours toodling about central Nebraska with my dear KOJ. I am so glad for the friends I have who have been my friends through so very much. We had a grand old time haunting the country side, giggling, posing for pictures and just thoroughly enjoying one another's company. Praise the Lord! Since it is Nebraska's birthday I couldn't go through the day without a view of some historical marker. That became Kristen and I's adventure for the day. Soooo much better than going to see a movie:) It was just an added bonus that it happened to be 78 degrees out! Alissa

Project 366- February 29, 2008

Happy LEAP day!! Haha, today when I got home from lunch there was much mayhem going on in the shed. There was a mouse in the bottom of a feed barrel. Mom, Quinn and I were watching it bounce off the sides trying to get out of the barrel. Quinn and I would jump and scream everytime it did so, causing much laughter. I called Brenna out to come see, thinking that she would jump and scream too, but alas she did not. "Aww, how cute," were here exact words, not startled at all!! Hehe, mom decided to stick a leadrope down in so that the mouse could climb out. Haha. It did come out, FAST, and directly towards where Quinn was standing. I'll never forget the look of terror on his face when it came soaring out of the barrel at him. Hahaha, I nearly wet myself with laughter:) Oh, what a day. Later when I was finishing up at work, Dr. Hackel smelled gas in the backroom. Soooo...I had to quickly throw some notes together for Connie and leave without finishing. I am so pooped, it is off...

Project 366- February 28, 2008

Worked in the morning. Good day, lots to do:) We were pretty busy too for a Thursday. After I got home we toodled around a bit and then headed back to town. Brenna had to sell a few ads for the Custer County Fair Book and we needed groceries. She was so scared to go in and ask people for ads, but she did SUCH a good job:) She was so proud when she came out after her first sale! While she and mom were inside, Quinn and I got to watch a guy in a wheelchair lift his wheelchair into the back of his pickup with a mechanical arm that sat in the back of the pickup. It was nifty, neato:) Arriving home the kids found the poor body of a rabbit in the yard. They were very quick to point out that said rabbit was without a head and promptly began searching for it in the yard. Haha, it was so funny! Alissa