The Great Ending

So after that tough, hard, hopeless experience of the feeding program came a great ending to the day. We got together with some of the Haitian girls in the Quisqueya youth group. The lovely Julie shared from her heart and God's word on godly friendships. It was so good, for my heart to hear as well. Then it was time for my job...friendship bracelets. I taught them how to make two different kinds. It was a lot of fun! Teenage girls are teenage girls no matter where you go. :) I loved getting them all started and then just being able to sit and listen and watch them interact. They giggled a lot! Makayla helped me out a bit when they were rattling on in Creole. My favorite was when they were discussing their favorite praise songs. Then they even sang them. Worship with sisters. Great times. And a wonderful ending to a tough, great day! Alissa