Memory Quilts Are An Honor!

Hello 2020! I haven't finished anything this year yet, but I have several plans in the works! I have had multiple opportunities to make keepsake quilts for people to remember lost loved ones. This past fall I was honored to do so again, but this time for someone I know. It was special for me as well! She requested 3 queen size quilts and she shared this granny square style quilt as an idea for hers. The first quilt was also to include the shirts of another lost loved one. Most of the shirts were button up woven but there were also several t-shirts. I went to town cutting shirts, off with the button placard, off with the cuffs and off with the collars! Into many squares they went! I cut up most of the shirts with interesting colors or patterns, saving the light, plain ones. Using our spare bed I began laying out squares. The above photo was my first effort but I just wasn't happy with the pink... I was much happier after some rearranging. I decide...