Enjoying The Season and the Doing

I bought a house almost a month ago. I took a leap into the "grown up" world and bought a house. I surprised even myself at times dealing with all of the different people involved and making all those stinking phone calls. I am so excited for this chapter, this season. It isn't a move in ready sale either, well it could have been sort of, but... I don't have to be out of my parent's abode by a certain date and it really does need some TLC. I have been pulling up carpet and funky linoleum stuff, painting, spray painting, etc... The kitchen floor needed the most love and attention. It required the most assistance as well. Pulled up the carpet to find simple plywood covered in glue. I have had awesome help from my family! Many have offered to help as well, I'm just never sure what kind of help I'll need and when. Their turn may come ;) This is a wall in the downstairs bedroom, soon to be my sewing room. The brown was ni...