This is the chair that Alissa built.
I wanted to do a project with the my siblings on Saturday. We had three pallets in the back yard. So I googled around and found a pallet chair to make. Here are our materials: I've never used an electric circular saw and I opted for the old fashioned elbow grease method. We sawed and sawed. The "plans" called for gigantic screws to hold it together...we had none. I did find some gigantic nails though. And so we began to hammer away at our creation. There was a lot of sweat involved on this warm, fine morning. Random aside, I built it in a dress :) I kind of had the idea of making this dad's Father's Day gift...we didn't finish before he came home. He and his power tools helped us finish the job. I tried to stop him, but my weeny arms were tired. So...our pallets weren't nearly as nice as the ones the tutorial used. It took a lot of support boards not shown. But, hey we have a giant chair i...