It's Coming Together and Homeschool Prom!

My double wedding ring quilt is getting closer! I've been sewing these "melons" together now. Not as often as I'd like as life has been busy lately. I had only finished a few before I had to try putting together an entire circle. It is so fun! I may have squealed with glee over this one! I went back to the melons and then started putting together the first row. Unlike the quilt along instructions, I peeled off the paper on the back before sewing them to the white parts. It made the easing of the seams much easier. I couldn't find a real good place to lay out my first row, but the deep freezer is going to have to suffice. Sew pretty! ;) Linking up with Sew Fresh Quilts and Let's Bee Social! Friday was our area homeschool prom. Don't my siblings look spiffy?! They are growing up too fast. I did Brenna's hair, she wanted it big! It was actually a little bigger when we practiced...lots of teasing. There may ...