Finish It Up Friday...Strawberry Fields Double Wedding Ring

I have a big finish to share this week. My double wedding ring quilt is DONE! It is even off to its new home :) I finished up the basting in the middle of packing and working at my house. I hated not being able to get work done on it while I was in house limbo. It was an exciting day when my sewing machine arrived at my new house and I could begin the quilting of this beauty. I've noticed that big projects begin to get "old" and I'm ready to start something new as I get to the end. I've found that they go smoother, quicker and more enjoyably if I pray for the recipient as I work. My cousin chose her fabrics and I loved working with them, Strawberry Fields Revisited by Moda. It is a large queen size which made it hard to get pictures by myself. Most people might groan at the sight of all the inside corners I had to do with that binding but it was a good, fun challenge at the end of this project! I ...