Finish It Up Friday...Strawberry Fields Double Wedding Ring

I have a big finish to share this week.
My double wedding ring quilt is DONE!  It is even off to its new home :)
I finished up the basting in the middle of packing and working at my house.
 I hated not being able to get work done on it while I was in house limbo.
 It was an exciting day when my sewing machine arrived at my new house and I could begin the quilting of this beauty.
 I've noticed that big projects begin to get "old" and I'm ready to start something new as I get to the end.  I've found that they go smoother, quicker and more enjoyably if I pray for the recipient as I work.
 My cousin chose her fabrics and I loved working with them, Strawberry Fields Revisited by Moda.
 It is a large queen size which made it hard to get pictures by myself.
 Most people might groan at the sight of all the inside corners I had to do with that binding but it was a good, fun challenge at the end of this project!

 I used her favorite fabric from the line for the backing.  My mom was astonished that I managed to do a single fabric for a backing ;) I like to get scrappy with the leftovers usually!
 Hand sewing doesn't like my hands or else the other way around, so I did machine bind.

Hurray for finishes! I love how it turned out!



  1. Wow and wow again. You must be so proud. Your cousin is a very lucky person!

    1. Thank you! I am totally proud of this one!

  2. What a beautiful quilt - your cousin will be thrilled, I'm sure. It's great that you managed the quilting on your machine at home.

    1. I think I'm just a bit too proud and cheap to let someone else do the quilting. Maybe someday I'll get brave enough to let someone else do their part on my quilt :S Thank you, though :)

  3. Gorgeous finish, Alissa, your pics are so pretty! You did that binding by machine?! It looks perfect! I bet your cousin loves her quilt, she's very lucky to get one so beautifully made!

    1. Thank you! I've only done one other border that had inner corners, it did not go so well. I think using a bias binding helped!

  4. It's a beautiful quilt! A great finish!!

  5. Anonymous5:11 PM

    An absolutely stunning quilt! Jealous.

  6. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!! You did a fabulous job and I love the edge!! (Any tips on the binding?? I can do a fantastic mitered corner - but that's all I know)

    1. Thank you! I think it is pretty nice too! One of the harder ones to send away to live with someone else. I have only tried inner corner bindings one other time and it did not go so well. This time I used a bias binding and it was much better.

  7. How intense! Oh my goodness, I'm so impressed. Making a double wedding ring quilt is on my quilty bucket list, for sure. Can I ask your method for cutting out the shapes? I've been asking others for advice, and some have said that paper piecing was the way to go, while others swear by rotary cutting from bought templates.

    1. This quilt was a bit intense...was glad it was for someone else and had somewhat of a deadline :) I did do paper-pieced arches. The pattern I used of course has disappeared :( It was a quilt along from The Plaid Scottie blog. The arch pieces were just 2.5 x 3 inch rectangles paper-pieced together and then trimmed around. It seemed to hold the shape really well although I did take the papers out before sewing them to the center pieces, it helped with the easing in of the seams.


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