
Showing posts from May 7, 2010


Learning...everyday I am learning. When I was in Missouri, I was on a perpetual rollercoaster with my emotions. It showed to those around me. I don't want to do that again. I feel like I'm beginning to:S While I was there I was so uncertain of what was next. I was unsure about going into the Fast Track, I was unsure of doing something on my own, I was unsure of so much. This week I've seen it creeping back up on me. There have been small things that I let myself think were indications of change coming. I don't want to work at Runza for years upon years. I want to move on to the next part of my life, and I want that to be with a husband and family of my own. I don't wait very good. I'm allowing so much to stop me from focusing on the Master. My little over-active imagination, over-analyzing and impatience brain is a problem. I hate sharing my "problems" with anyone because it seem so small and trivial when I say it out loud. I end up just feeling alone....