A summer time presence :-)

Hello there! Well, it certainly has a been a bit since I last posted. I have been busy and I've had much going on in my heart. I always think if I just wait till the perfect moment it'll come out better. We'll see :-) I finished up the quilting on my little sister's lady quilt! She did all of the piecing for this quilt. She did decide that it was okay for me to go ahead and do the quilting. I chose to do an all-over clamshell pattern starting at the diagonal corner. I really like how it turned out. It was fun to use this crazy French backing fabric. No idea where I got it :-) I spent an entire Saturday earlier this month just quilting. It was such a nice treat :-) I also spent at that time listening to my Bible app on my phone. It was very refreshing and I listened from Mark all the way through part of Romans :-) I wanted to use up some of the scraps from past projects that I've kept. This one are the checkers and rails left over from my very first qu...