Stuhr Museum Christmas
The family took our trip to Stuhr Museum's Christmas on the prairie event. I love Stuhr Museum. It was a family fun evening, not to be dampened by the cold air and snow. Brenna and Quinn made icicle ornaments at the tin shop. Our tree will soon be filled with only those;) At the farmhouse they had the table set for Christmas dinner with fine china and all. I love that time period and would gladly have jumped in and stayed. That is the bittersweet thing about going to a living history museum, it looks as though you could simply go back in time. Honest, I could handle the kerosene smell! The decorations were lovely too! I think the simplicity makes me dwell on the reason for Christmas. It points me back to the Savior's birth and not so much the gifts and the goodies. It is so dark without all our electric lights. Along every path they had placed lanterns to light our way. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105 NIV "For to us a ...