The Best Ever!!!

Today marks one year... One year of marriage to the best ever! It doesn't seem possible to have been a year already! However, we have done a lot! We were made for each other and I am astounded by this gift God has given me. I treasure my husband and all he is to me! He is my greatest encourager, my best friend. He comforts me, teaches me and reminds me of the Lord's desire for me. He loves me more than I deserve. He is kind enough to stop me when I wrongly despair or want to throw a pity party. This year has been wonderful and taught me so much. He loves to point out how we have yet to have an argument...and it's true! Thank you, Lord! May I not take for granted each moment you give us together. We went out to supper to celebrate two days ago. My little brother is visiting to go deer hunting with us. Nicer to celebrate alone, hehe! And so, here is to many years to come, Lord willing! Alissa