Project 366- March 27, 2008
Golly gee, how could I forget!!?? I bought plane tickets this week. In May I'm flying to PA to visit Joy and Aubrey. Travis and Michelle are going to drive down and pick me up so I can spend a few days with them in NY!! Hurrah, I'm excited! But then my guilt complex kicks in and says I shouldn't enjoy my excitement because the rest of my family doesn't get to go and see Ansel & Company.
Work was great today! Hehe, I banged up my hand numerous times. First, while I was talking with Dr. Hackel about something, I smashed my finger between the desk and the chair arm. It hurt so bad I thought I was going to lose my breakfast. Talk about an instant blood blister too! Dr. Hackel asked several times in the course of the morning if my fingernail had fallen off yet:) It looks like it will remain intact. Then as I was trying to put the keyboard drawer on what is soon to be called "my" desk I stabbed another finger multiple times with a screwdriver:S I guess there is some stock in using the proper type of screwdriver but I didn't have a Philips on hand.
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