Project 366- March 29, 2008
Wowsers did this day start early or what?! I drove down to North Platte with Clara and Tim. We left Tim with some birders there and headed out for some historical marker adventures. Boy, oh boy did we have adventure. The first one was probably jumping the little yellow fence to go into the Lincoln County Historical Museum:S As we were leaving a little old man drove around from the other side and he just waved. As if it were nothing to see two girls carrying tripods out of the closed museum park. Whew, I was scared! It didn't say no trespassing.
Having survived that excitement we were chatting along driving through North Platte when... I saw a historical marker NOT on the list!! How exciting to find an actual extra marker. Turns out it was on one of my lists but had "destroyed" in parenthesis behind it so I discounted finding that one. We headed out and went all the way to Brule, NE...10 miles beyond Ogallala!! Sadly there were a few disappointments along the way. At one rest area there were supposed to be three markers, ALL were missing from there obvious mounted locations:( Then after deciding to go another 10 extra miles we were disappointed again to find only the poles to the marker. Hmmm.
It was a good day even though there were setbacks. I am so tired! Thanks for the fun, Tim and Clara!
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