Project 366- May 10, 2008

This is one of my Saturdays. I agreed to work two Saturdays in May at the Garden Center...and I chose the craziest two, Mother's Day weekend and Memorial Day weekend:S I was kind of worried about today being busy and having LOTS of people asking me stuff I don't know. Once again I was worried for no good reason.

I had a lot of fun working today actually. (My curse did continue as it was cold, soppy and windy ALL day) I was more helpful than I thought I was going to be. We had four people working besides Ray and Connie which made many hands. I potted three things too! Hurray! I got to work with Clara which was really nice. I love being friends with Clara:) It is comforting to know someone understands the way I feel about things that happen in my day.

After work I drove through the downpour to our humble abode. Grandma was there. Happy Mother's Day Grandma! Mom and Dad headed to town for a date, oohhhh. It was a Mother's Day/Happy Birthday date. I too had an engagement for the evening, but mine was such that the children were more than welcome.

I was invited to be a part of a dinner, mystery night at the Rocking Chair Inn along with several others from church. It was so fun! I find it hard to fully explain the way it was done and the hilarity of the event. I was Pinkie Panther, a member of the elite LadyBugs (Lady Burglars) and I tried to steal the Fate Diamond. We were all a bit guilty of some scheme in the death of a member of our party as well as trying to steal the diamond. Like I said, GREAT FUN!!!



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